Pavillon international : lorsque les représentations de Smart en Europe nous ouvrent leurs portes

10:30 At - Smart in Belgium as seen by the University of Vienna: big data, first outcomes - University Pr. Dr. Oliver Fabel (University of Vienna - Univ Prof. Dr. Oliver Fabel - Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, Department of Business Decisions and Analytics, member of Smart Austria board)
11:15 At - Presenting SmartAdmin: a customizable tool - Angela Vadori works (advisor Smart Vienna)
12:00 De - New Forms of Working // Platform Coop in Germany - Ela Kagel (co-founder Supermarkt, Berlin)
13:15 De - East-West culture exchange: working in Japan, Korea, China - Adam Langer (booking agent and cultural event promoter, focus Far East)
14:00 Ib - Goteo: Financiación alternativa - Mauricio O'Brien, Cristina Moreno
14h45 Ib - Itinerario - María del Mar Osuna Vargas, director CreaCultuLabs

English and/or Spanish speaking.
Moderators: Marcella Militello & Sergio Giorgi.
10:30 - 15:30    le 18 juin à Bruxelles
salle Berlin

Adam Langer (Booking Agent, focus Asia-South Korea-China)
Andrea Wälzl (Smart - Austria)
Angela Vadori (Smart)
Cristina Moreno (Fundación Goteo, Espagne)
Daria Belinskaya (Smart - Hungary)
Donato Nubile (Smart - Italy)
Dr. Oliver Fabel (Université de Vienne)
Ela Kagel (Supermarkt, Berlin)
Iwona Preis (Smart - Sweden)
Jose Manuel Martinez Moreno (Smart Iberica)
Magdalena Ziomek (Smart - Germany)
Marcella Militello (Smart)
María del Mar Osuna Vargas (laboratorio Creacultulabs, España)
Mauricio O’Brien (Fundación Goteo, Espagne)
Perrine Pautré (Smart, focus on China & Asia)
Sabine Kock (Smart - Austria)
Sandrino Graceffa (Smart)
Sergio Giorgi (Smart)