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Françoise Kemajou (Pour La Solidarité)

FR |
Home : rue Croisette, 54 à 1470 Baisy-Thy
Work : rue Coenraets, 66 - 1060 Brussels
Categorie B
Pour la Solidarité
Rue Coenraets 66, B - 1060 Saint-Gilles

Business and activity:

Coming from the associative and publishing sectors, I’ve been building up an expertise since 25 years on the fight against discrimination, gender equity and diversity within organisations. Managing Director of Pour La Solidarité, I stimulate and promote collaborative projects for social inclusion.

What can you bring to the Smart project? Which are the skills and experiences that you intend to provide to the Board?

Foremost, I’ll bring in an outside view to an organisation with which I have a lot of affinities. I’ll also share my experience in managing a European social entreprise.
In addition to my contribution to implement gender equity, I’ll also work on improving the internal and external diversity.
Today, all studies show that access to work and entrepreneurship is still very difficult for persons with a migration background, or perceived as such. I have the ambition to put my expertise regarding the fight against unintended discrimination at the service of an organisation that has understood long before the others, that the all workers need to benefit from the same social protection, regardless of their income.

Which are your reasons to apply as a member of the board of directors of the Smart cooperative?

On the one hand, gender equity is a long-term battle and its first victory is to allow women to get involved. While we all are very patiently (!!!) waiting for men to do their share of work in the family sphere, I’ll plead with much power for the Smart cooperative to organise participation in the governance of all, on all levels of power, in adequacy with a better balance between equal work and private life.
On the other hand, with nowadays’ frenzied attempt of deregulating the labour market and, by extension, our social protection system - founding pillar of our model of solidarity - participating at the CA of the Smart cooperative is a rare opportunity to build collectively a dynamic project, aiming to invent and organise new ways of working by reshaping a citizens-based and diversified social protection.

How do you see Smart in the future? What is your vision of the Smart project?

Let’s all aim to reach the following objective in the coming four years:
SMart will be a model European social enterprise in terms of access to work and entrepreneurship for all citizens. A cooperative that aims to co-construct a new business model in which everyone has the power to liberate themselves socially and economically, bringing in their experience, expressing their voice, to choose their mode of governance and to work for the collective good.
SMart has the power to trigger our desire! Our desire to do differently and better. Smart will be the mirror of the society that we want to build together: an inclusive one, creator of equally shared wealth.