Governing Platform Labour
Une analyse de Niccolò Cuppini, Mattia Frapporti and Maurilio Pirone, publiée le 17/2/2023
Thèmes: #digital, #platforms, #rights, #urban, #work
The platform economy is part of our lives, whether we like it or not, and this is not the first time that we have critically analysed this retrograde phenomenon, as it contributes to lowering the social rights of platform workers rather than improving them. However, in recent years, some cities and municipalities in Europe have sought to take on platforms such as Airbnb, Deliveroo and Uber. Their impact on working conditions and urban life, and possible alternatives around ‘digital labour’, are at the heart of the analysis in this paper, which looks back at the research of the European research project (PLUS, Platform Labour in Urban Spaces) on how to better govern platform labour.
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